How to use our Subusers feature Print

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How to use our Subusers feature

In this guide we will show you step by step on how to proceed to adding your friends as subuser onto your server to manage the server with you!


1. Login into the Game Panel

2. You will then proceed to the server by clicking you wish to add your friend as a subuser, then click "Manage Server"



3. You will then be directed to the server console page, you will then click "Users"



4. You will then proceed to clicking "New User" to add your friend as a subuser.


5. You will then need to enter your friend's email address in the box and you can select the permissions that you wish for your friend to have. Select the permissions carefully. Once done, you may now click "Invite User" once done, your friend will receive an email for the details to set their password so they can access the panel as a subuser on the panel with the permissions you gave them.


If you need any further assistance or having any trouble feel free to contact support and we will be glad to help you out!


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